We ensure that MBSE delivers on its promises.

What we do

We help our clients model large and complex systems using Executable UML by itself, or integrated with other tools, modeling languages, libraries and software services.

Model based systems engineering (MBSE) should deliver clear and compelling results, not just in the long term, but on a daily basis. The important ideas should be communicated, documented and validated. Hard problems should be identified and solved early on. Valuable intellectual property should be preserved for fast redeployment on varied and evolving computing platforms. And the models should lead directly to efficient, reliable and maintainable production code.

But this is all easier said than done. It is easy for teams to get distracted modeling the wrong things at inconsistent levels of detail. Models can be built in the wrong order, leading to unnecessary rework or poor designs. Opportunities for parallel development can be missed, wasting valuable time and resources. Key model reuse patterns can be overlooked resulting on large scale wasted effort and needless extra code.

We won't let that happen to you.

Our expert training and consulting services will give your systems engineers, developers and project leaders the skills, patterns and techniques necessary to ensure success on your MBSE project.

Hands on Training

Hands On Training

We deliver engaging courses packed with challenging exercises and to-the-point lecture. We don't hire 'instructors'. Each class is led by a highly seasoned expert actively involved in their topic on a day to day basis. Since we teach what we do, we are always ready to tackle your team's most challenging questions.

Team members will come away from our courses with a new perspective, fresh enthusiasm and practical skills.

On-site Problem Solving

Onsite Problem Solving

Training is an important step, but the real learning happens on the job. We roll up our sleeves and work intensively with your team on a day to day basis to understand all the subtle aspects of your problem and deliver detailed solutions.

As the work progresses, team members will see what it takes to perform solid analysis and build worthwhile models. In time, they can share those skills with other team members. And the provided solutions yield useful examples that can be incorporated into internal training guides for your other engineers.

Management Assistance

Management Assistance

Managers and project leaders don't need to be modelers. But the work products, review criteria and agile processes on an MBSE project are unique and need to be carefully understood.

It is also important for managers to know exactly why each model type is necessary and to understand the specific benefits of modeling as opposed to coding. They also need to spot any signs of counter productive modeling.

We offer brief presentations and training geared toward project leaders, managers and executives so that they can get the results they want and provide the support the developers need.